Scented Air A+ Content P-260AT

Scented Air A+ Content P-260AT

XPOWER Scented Air Movers feature patented refillable scent diffusing cartridges. To add scent, simply add scented beads of your choice to the cartridge and easily insert into the unit. To prolong the scented beads’ life, store them in sealed bags or a container after using.

With wider coverage than the average air freshener, XPOWER P-260AT Scented Air Mover Floor Dryer is perfect for creating the ideal scent environment for your home and business. P-260AT offers versatile 4-angle blow directions, an added ionizer feature, and a powerful airflow that can cover up to 1800 sq. ft. or more . XPOWER P-260AT is an ideal home and business scenting solution.

Say ‘Good Bye’ to stinky odors and say ‘Hello’ to freshness. To quickly fill a space with scent; Use full cartridge of scented beads on max speed setting. Our Scented Air Mover Dryer units are more effective and offer wider coverage compared to commercially available air fresheners.


  • Living Rooms
  • Kitchens
  • Bedrooms
  • Family Rooms


  • Shops
  • Pet Facilities
  • Gyms / Wellness Centers
  • Tradeshows


  • Offices
  • Conference Rooms
  • Hotel Lobbies
  • Clubs / Lounges


  • Weddings
  • Private Events
  • Event Centers
  • Large Gatherings

Convenient 4-Speed Control & Timer

Perfect for the office, home or business setting, the XPOWER P-260AT scented air mover fan offers the entire scent & airflow you need in a powerful yet compact unit. Convenient 4 Speeds & Timer that put you in control so you can direct airflow exactly where and how you want it. Enjoy extra-quiet cooling on the virtually silent low setting.

Neutralize Odor & Smell with Ionizer

XPOWER P-260AT features an added ionizer that releases negative ions which bind to positively charged particles, effectively neutralizing them and cleaning your environment.Particles such as: smoke odor, airborne bacteria, allergens, harmful dust, and pet odors, are neutralized from your breathing space. Enjoy air quality that is similar to the crisp, fresh air that is found at the beach and in the mountains.

Add Radiant & Fresh Vitality

Our scented air moving technology transforms any room into a scene of wonderful fragrances that fits your style while neutralizing pesky odors from kitchen, pet, restrooms, mold, smoke and many other odor causing culprits. Choose from Citrus Bliss, Fresh Breeze, Lavender Vanilla, and Key Lime.

4 Blowing Directions

In addition to its wide coverage scenting feature, XPOWER P-260AT’s multiple positioning angles (0°, 20° kickstand, 45° & 90°) allow the unit to dry hard-to-reach places such as carpets, floors, walls and ceilings quickly and precisely. Weighing only 9 pounds, this air mover is built for portability and easy storage.